FICA: Risk Management and Compliance Toolkit Property Practitioners



 Amendments to the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) came into effect on 31 December 2022

It’s important to note that the enhanced compliance requirements occasioned by these amendments apply to a wider range of commercial activities. This is because amendments to Schedule 1 of the FICA mean more individuals and businesses have, by definition, become accountable institutions.

In addition to registering with the FIC, accountable institutions are required to fulfil certain regulatory obligations, such as:

  • Implementing customer identification and verification processes;
  • Conducting customer due diligence;
  • Appointing a compliance officer;
  • Training employees on FICA compliance;
  • Undertaking business risk assessments; and
  • Maintaining and implementing a risk management and compliance program.

This HUB includes all the necessary policies and procedures that Property Practitioners may need in order to comply, as well as the necessary annexures to assist with the successful implementation of the Risk Management and Compliance Programme.

Preface and Disclaimer




Introduction to Money Laundering


What is money laundering?

What is terrorist financing?

What is Proliferation Financing or proliferation activity?

What is the purpose of the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC)?

The Acts and Regulations and Abbreviations


The Acts and regulations

List of abbreviation





Why is our agency an accountable institution?


Scope and purpose of the Risk Management and Compliance Hub (RMCH)


Purpose and objective of the Risk Management and Compliance Hub (RMCH)

Risk Management Compliance Governance


Appointment and responsibility of the Compliance/Reporting Officer


Registering with the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC)


Implementing a Risk Based Approach (RBA)


Control measures


Customer due diligence and risk assessment

Meaning of Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

Timing of verification

Activities considered to be a business relationship or single transaction

Identification and verification of existing and prospective clients

Verification and corroboration of the clients identity

Understanding and obtaining information about the business relationship

Anonymous clients and clients acting under false or fictitious names

Money Laundering threats and vulnerabilities posed by international geographic areas

Establish if a person is a Domestic Politically Exposed Person (DPEP)

Establish if a person is a Foreign Politically Exposed Person (FPEP)

Obtaining additional information from a client which poses a high risk of money laundering

Establishing and verifying the identities of natural persons/sole proprietor

Assessing the risk of a natural person/sole proprietor

Establishing and verifying the identities of a corporate entity

Assessing the risk of a corporate entity

Establishing and verifying the identities of a partnership

Assessing the risk of a partnership

Establishing and verifying the identity of a trust

Assessing the risk of a trust

Ongoing due diligence/account monitoring

Doubts about veracity of previously obtained information

Inability to conduct customer due diligence

Maintaining the correctness of the client’s information

Receipt and acceptance of funds prior to completion of the customer due diligence measures

Impact of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 on the identification and verification requirements of the FIC Act

Record keeping

Obligation to keep Customer Due Diligence records

Type and format of record keeping

Keeping records of transactions

Duration and manner for which records must be kept

Records kept by third parties

Training relating to anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing compliance

Obligation to provide training to all employees.

Training session for employees: Course outline

Training session for directors/owners and compliance/reporting officers

Screening of employees

Duty to screen employees

Advising the Centre of clients

Obligation to advise the Centre of clients of the business

Targeted financial sanctions aimed at terrorist financing


Reporting cash transactions above R 49 999.99


Reporting suspicious and unusual transactions


Reporting of property associated with terrorist and related activities


Reporting failures and submitting defective reports


Reporting Failure

Defective reports

Report content failure

Reporting fraud or theft under the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act (PRECCA)


Obligation to report

Making a report

Submission of a risk and compliance return to the Financial Intelligence Centre
FICA training


FICA training for employees


Implementation video


Summary of the RMCP 

Summary of the RMCP

Annexure List


Annexure List

From the Regulator


Update of the BO registers on the CIPC website


Directive 6