Resources and courses included in the Auditing Hub 

All the courses in this Hub contain Videos, Course materials, Post- Assessments and Certificates 

Planning the audit engagement

Identifying and assessing risk (ISA 315 revised 2019)

Auditing Standards 3 Planning Understanding the Entity and Performing Risk Assessment

Auditing Standards 4: Planning – Fraud Risk Assessment

Internal controls and control environment

The auditor's responsibility towards internal controls

The Auditor's responsibility with regards to fraud

The auditor's responsibility with regards to Laws and Regulations in an audit

Understand document evaluating and testing of internal controls during an audit

Testing for fraud during an audit engagement

Pre-engagement Planning

Auditing Standards 1- Pre-engagement - Overall Objectives + Audit Documentation

Auditing Standards 2: Pre-engagement – Agreeing Terms + Materiality

Documentation of ethical considerations during the audit

Long association with an audit client - Are you truly independent

Compile and Audit / Review the same AFS - Legal Restrictions incl. Auditor Rotation

Business communication and report writing

Finalisation the Audit Engagement

Reporting requirements for Auditors and Independent reviewers and Accounting professionals

Auditing Standards 9 Finalisation - Communication and Misstatements 

Auditing Standards 10: Finalisation – Auditor’s Report

Executing the Audit

Practical implementation of the new ISA 315 and 330 based on CaseWare Probe

Practical implementation of the new ISA 315 and ISA 330

10 Step audit plan

Auditing the stock count

Auditing Inventory

Auditing the Presumed Fraud Risk

Auditing the tax liability

Auditing accounting estimates

Auditing Revenue, Journals and Related party transactions

Audit procedures to perform to address audit risk during an audit of financial statements

Auditing Standards 6: Execution – Audit Evidence and Audit Sampling

Auditing Standards 7 Execution Laws/Regs Confirmations  Initial Audits Analytical Procedures (2022)

Auditing Standards 8: Execution – Group / Component Audits 

Auditing the top 5 risk areas during an audit

Auditing the top 5 risk areas including estimates

How to Audit Revenue

ISA 530 - Sampling and selecting items for testing

Obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence - Related parties and journals

Practical application for the testing of audit assertions

Analytical Procedures

Audit Documentation

Companies Act and the impact on Accountants and Auditors

A practical approach for Auditing Accounting estimates

Auditing the VAT balance

Sampling items for auditing

Planning the audit engagement based on Draftworx (ISA 315 and ISA 330)

Planning the audit engagement based on CaseWare Probe (New ISA 315 and 330) 

Auditing Standards 5: Execution  Audit Plan and Risk Response

CaseWare Working Papers

Introduction to CaseWare

CaseWare session 1 - Client acceptance

 CaseWare session 5 - Finalisation

CaseWare session 6 Reporting

CaseWare Cloud 1 Intro to Cloud

CaseWare Audit Methodology - 2 Days

Auditing Estimates in CaseWare

Performing an Independent Review using CaseWare

Sampling based on CaseWare 

Performing an Independent Review using CaseWare -Refresher for reviewers

Planning the audit engagement based on CaseWare Probe (New ISA 315 and 330) 2 Days

DraftWorx Working Papers

Performing an Independent Review using Draftworx

Compiling financial statements using Draftworx

Planning the audit engagement based on Draftworx (ISA 315 and ISA 330) 2 Days

Finalising the audit engagement based on Draftworx (ISA 315 and ISA 330) 2 Days

Reporting Requirements

Responding to non-compliance with laws and regulations in an audit

Responding to NOCLAR for Non - auditors

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts

Attorney Trust Accounts NEW 2020 Revised IRBA Guide for Audit

Attorney Trust Accounts - Audit Simulation using CaseWare Cloud

Attorney Trust Accounts – Audit Considerations for Managers and Partners

Attorney Trust Accounts - Auditing without Methodology / with Draftworx - 2 Days  (2021)

Attorney Trust Accounts - Completing and Auditing the Legal Practitioners Annual Statement

Auditing of Attorneys Trust Accounts without Methodology or Software 2 Days 

Attorney Trust Accounts - New Legal Practice Act and Rules + How to Audit

CaseWare Cloud 2 Attorney Trust Account Audit ISAE Template

Attorney Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Pre-engagement

Attorney Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Planning

Attorney Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Finalisation

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud - Introduction to ISAE Template

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - Introduction to Draftworx Audit Template

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts 2020 Revised IRBA Guide for Audit Engagements

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement on Application for Refund Form

Attorney Trust Accounts - Intro to Attorneys

Attorney Trust Accounts - Completing / Auditing the Practitioners Annual Statement

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - Legal Practice Act & Rules and How to Audit for Compliance

Property Practitioners - Trust Audit Report 

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - Audit Considerations for Managers and Partners

Legal Practitioners Trust Accounts - Completing / Auditing the Practitioners Annual Statement

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Pre-engagement

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Planning

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - Intro to Attorneys

 Legal Practitioners Trust Accounts- Legal Practice Act & Rules and How to Audit for Trainees

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Pre-engagement

Legal Practitioner Trust Accounts - CaseWare Cloud Audit – Finalisation


Audit Quality

Improving Audit File Quality - CaseWare

Improving audit file Quality - No methodology

Improving Audit file quality/ Advanced Auditing

Improving audit quality - Draftworx

IRBA inspections findings

Update your firms risk register with the latest IRBA inspection findings

Avoid IRBA/Regulator inspection findings

Bodies Corporate

Body Corporates - Accounting and Audit Requirements

Bodies Corporate - Auditing and Tax Considerations 2023

Bodies Corporate – Introduction and Legal Requirements Affecting the Accounting Requirements

Body Corporates - Introduction and Legislation

Body Corporates - Financial Statements Template

Bodies Corporate - Audit and Tax Considerations for Manager and Partners

Bodies Corporate – Audit Practical Implementation for Trainees

Home Owners Associations

Home Owners Associations - Accounting and Auditing Requirements

Home Owners Associations – Auditing and Tax Considerations

Estate Agents

Estate Agents - Auditing Considerations

Estate Agents - New Property Practitioners Act and Regulations and How It Affects Accounting / Audit

CaseWare Cloud 3  Estate Agents Trust Account Audit  ISAE Template

Estate Agents – Introduction and Legal Requirements Affecting the Accounting

Access to Audit Working Papers

Access to Audit Working Papers

 Public Schools

Public Schools - Auditing Considerations

Public Schools Accounting and Financial Statements Requirements

Public Schools – Audit Practical Implementation for Trainees

Public Schools Audit Considerations for Managers and Partners 

Independent Reviews

ISRE 2400 - Performing an Independent Review

Audit Update

Audit update 5 years in review

Audit update 2021 2 Days

Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation (MAFR)


Advanced Excel focused on the Accounting Profession

Group Audit

ISA 600 - Group audits

Audits of Financial Statements of Fewer Complex Entities (ISA)

International Standard on Auditing for Less Complex Entities (ISA for LCE)

 International Standard on Auditing for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ISA


Co-operatives - Introduction and Legal Requirements Affecting Accounting and Auditing

Ethics for auditors

IRBA Ethics and Code of Conduct Audit and Assurance